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Awashishe Wiigiwaywiin
(Social Services Framework)

Providing assistance to families who are at-risk of child welfare involvement, have open files, or have had children apprehended. Also assists with Customary Care Agreements, Kinship Agreements, and advocacy.


Providing communications advisory and support.

Economic Development

Working with members to develop, promote and support a diverse private sector and entrepreneurial culture.


Providing support and advisory services to community schools and local education authorities.

Finance and Administration

Managing and directing all aspects of the business financial affairs of MFNM on a daily basis.

Financial Advisory

Helping enhance our management, administration and quality of life.

Four Rivers Environmental Services

Providing support and technical services to members facing development within their shared traditional territories.

Health and Social Meno Biimadeswin

Overseeing the administration of regionally funded health and social programs and projects.

Human Resources

Providing human resources support to the organization as a whole. Providing assistance with review and updates to policies and procedures to Matawa member First Nations upon request.

Information Technology

Providing secure, reliable, and continuous access to data and information systems to support the delivery of programs and services.

Quality Assurance

Providing guidance to continually enhance our quality management system.

Technical Services

Assisting with the development and maintenance of community infrastructure.

Our Nations