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Our Partners

Through our work, Matawa often coordinates with a number of partner organizations that specialize in providing services to our communities. This is done through informal and formal agreements (see Memorandum of Understandings at the end).

In many instances, we also have representation on their governing bodies and/or ad-hoc/permanent committees/councils. Our representatives ensure that the voices of different generations and groups within our communities are heard and considered.

Terms of expiry and method of selection varies amongst each of our partners (ie. some may be appointed by First Nations Chiefs and Councils, some may be by vote, some are based on regional locations or Tribal Council, etc.). Periodically, vacancies become available to Matawa members. These will be posted on our website here: https://www.matawa.on.ca/recruitment/career-opportunities/ under ‘Request for Proposals/Call for Expressions of Interest.’ They will also be advertised on social media.

We are currently working to update specific dates for term expiries—return back for further information.

For more information, contact:


Representation by Our Community Members
Partner Representative Term Expiry
Kan-na-chi-hi Specialized Solvent Treatment Centre Elizabeth Moore (Constance Lake)
Kenogami Environment Technical Table Aroland – Ernie Gagnon, Sam Kashkeesh
Constance Lake – Wayne Neegan, Bertha Sutherland
Ginoogaming – Denan Kuni, Calvin Taylor
Long Lake #58 – Horis Mansuri, Shelly Rahme
Kiikenomaga Kikenjigewen Employment and Training Services (KKETS) Board of Directors Nibinamik – Richard Roundhead
Eabametoong – Lawrence Atlookan, Treasurer
Ginoogaming – Lisa Echum, Vice-President
Aroland – Eunice Magiskan
Neskantaga – Dorothy Sakanee
Constance Lake – Ron Wesley, President
Webequie – Norman Shewaybick
Marten Falls – Maria Baxter
(Matawa) Social Services Framework Awashishewiigiihiwaywiin Client Advisory  Committee Under Development
(Matawa) Broadband Working Group Aroland – Sam Kashkeesh
Marten Falls – Rob Moonias
Eabametoong – Donald Meeseetawageesic
Neskantaga – Edward Moonias, Gary Quisses
Webequie – James Suganaqueb, Glen Wabasse
Nibinamik – Matthew Sofea, Byron Wapoose, Harvey Yellowhead, Gershom Beaver
Matawa Development Corporation Board of Directors President Judy Desmoulin (Long Lake #58 First Nation)
Vice President Harvey Yesno (Eabametoong First Nation)
Secretary/Treasurer Sam Achneepineskum (Marten Falls First Nation)
Director Duane Wesley (Long Lake #58 First Nation)
Director Ramona Sutherland (Constance Lake First Nation
Director Denan Kuni (Ginoogaming First Nation)
Director Chad Kashkish (Aroland First Nation)
Director Stanley Oskineegish (Nibinamik First Nation)
Matawa First Nations Education Authority Elder – George Whitehead
Webequie Education Director – Ennis Jacob
Aroland Education Portfolio Holder – Annmarie Majiskon/Magiskan
Nibinanik Education Director – Mary Oskineegish
Marten Falls Education Director – Susanna Baxter
Eabametoong Acting Education Director – Leanne Whitehead
Neskantaga Education Authority Member – Melanie Moonias
Ginoogaming Education Director – Martha Taylor
Matawa Health Co-operative Eabametoong Health Director – Robert Baxter, President/Chair
Aroland Health Director – Annabelle Mendowegan, Vice-Chair/President
Ginoogaming Health Director – Kelly Fortier
Constance Lake Health Director – Roger Wesley
Webequie Health Director – Jeffrey Jacob, Secretary/Treasurer
Marten Falls Health Director – Evelyn Baxter
Nibinamik Health Director – Johnny Yellowhead
Neskantaga Health Director– Sharon Sakanee
Long Lake # 58 Health Director – Kristian Muckaday
(Matawa) Rapid Lynx Telecommunications Board of Directors Aroland – Sam Kashkeesh
Marten Falls – Robert Moonias (Treasurer)
Eabametoong – Donald Meeseetawageesic
Neskantaga – Edward Moonias
Webequie – James Suganaqueb (President)
Nibinamik – Matthew Sofea (Secretary)
Ginoogaming – Henry Waboose
Constance Lake – Wayne Neegan
Long Lake #58 – Chris Kendall
MOU Partner Steering Committee • Matawa
PCL Constructors
Enterprise Canada
Enterprise Capital
Ontario Power Generation
Nishnawbe-Aski Nation Legal Services Corporation (NALSC) Board Director: Lisa Echum (Ginoogaming) Alternate: Bertha Sutherland (Constance Lake) Elder: Sarah Waboose (Eabametoong) January 20 2024
Nishnawbe-Aski Nation Police Services (NAPS) Board Robert Moonias January 20 2024
Ojibway and Cree Cultural Centre Cathy Therriault (Aroland)
Sioux Lookout First Nations Health Authority | Chiefs Committee on Health TBD
Sioux Lookout Meno Ya Win Health Centre Roy Spence (Webequie)
Tikinagan Child and Family Services Sonny Gagnon (Aroland)
Wequedong Lodge Wayne Moonias (Neskantaga)
Representation by our Staff


Partner Representative Term Expiry
Child Passenger Safety Association of Canada Nicole Gamble
Confederation College | Negahneewin College of Indigenous Studies Georgette O’Nabigon
District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board – Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative (CHPI) Advisory Table Carol Audet December 2023
Diversity Thunder Bay – Community Safety & Well-Being Anti-Racism and Anti-Discrimination Action Table Breanne Anderson
EMO/IAO BEM 200 First Nations Revamp Hilary Fox
First Mile Connectivity Consortium David Paul Achneepineskum
Indigenous Peoples’ Court Committee Paul Capon
Lakehead University | Faculty of Natural Resources Management External Advisory Committee Sarah Cockerton
Lakehead University | Ogimaawin Aboriginal Governance Council Paul Capon
Mamow Ahyamowen Partnership Francine Pellerin, Paul Capon
Nishnawbe-Aski Nation Committee on Health Francine Pellerin
Nishnawbe-Aski Nation Food Security Committee Francine Pellerin
Nishnawbe-Aski Nation Health Transformation Advisory Council Francine Pellerin
Nishnawbe-Aski Nation Health Transformation Joint Action Committee Paul Capon, Jason Beardy, Frances Wesley, Francine Pellerin
Nishnawbe-Aski Nation Community Health Transformation Working Group Hilary Fox
Nishnawbe-Aski Nation Crisis Coordinators & Health Directors Nicole Jacob
Nishnawbe-Aski Nation Education Committee Sharon Nate
Noojmawing Sookatagagin Ontario Health Team Paul Capon
Northwest EM and SEM – SLFNA Hilary Fox
Ontario Regional Addictions Partnership Committee Francine Pellerin
Regional NIHB Navigators Group Elizabeth Wapoose, Cheryl Suganaqueb
Seven Youth Inquest Recommendations (Main and #114 Youth Detox) Brad Battiston, Stephanie Ritch
Social Emergency Managers and Indigenous Affairs Ontario Hilary Fox
Thunder Bay Aboriginal Inter-Agency Committee & Urban Aboriginal Strategy Paul Capon
Thunder Bay Anti-Racism & Respect Advisory Committee Carol Audet, Breanne Anderson
Thunder Bay District Health Unit Prenatal Coalition Nicole Gamble
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre Aboriginal Advisory Committee Francine Pellerin
Thunder Bay Community Safety and Wellbeing Advisory Table Paul Capon
Thunder Bay Correctional Centre and Thunder Bay Jail Community Reintegration Planning Table Paul Capon
Thunder Bay Housing and Homelessness Coalition Paul Capon, Paul Magiskan
Thunder Bay Released from Custody Table Paul Capon
Thunder Bay Truth & Reconciliation Toolkit Development Working Group Breanne Anderson
VAW Local Services System Planning Table (NWO) Francine Pellerin
Vulnerable Persons Table of Thunder Bay Paul Capon


Memorandum of Understandings


Date modified: 2023-11-2023