Unity Declaration
The Matawa Chiefs Council passed the Mamow-Wecheekapawetahteewin (Unity Declaration) through ceremony on July 13, 2011 in Webequie First Nation. Mamow-Wecheekapawetahteewin establishes the relationship by which the nine (9) Nations in Matawa will work together, specifically around land, water and resource issues.
Mamow-Wecheekapawetahteewin is in keeping with traditional protocols and agreements amongst the Nations that were developed prior to the Treaties being made in Canada. Although written and preserved in today’s context, Mamow-Wecheekapawetahteewin is an extension of the Matawa First Nations’ pre-existing jurisdiction. It contains strong responsibilities to future generations, ancestral homelands and natural resources. These responsibilities are closely guarded by our First Nations today.