As an Indian Registration Administer working on behalf of Indigenous Services Canada, Matawa Membership assists band members applying for Indian status and status cards. Matawa Membership also helps to maintain the Indian Register, which is a list of all persons registered as “Indians” under the Indian Act and is used by ISC to deliver programs and services to First Nations communities.
Matawa Membership issues laminated paper Certificates of Indian Status in community and at the Matawa office (233 Court St. S. in Thunder Bay) for members of the following First Nations:
- Aroland First Nation
- Eabametoong First Nation
- Marten Falls First Nation
- Neskantaga First Nation
- Nibinamik First Nation
- Webequie First Nation
Please note that Matawa Membership cannot issue a laminated paper status card if a person has already obtained a Secure Certificate of Indian Status as per ISC policy.
Matawa Membership can issue a new laminated Certificate of Indian Status in cases where:
- A status card is lost, stolen or damaged
- To renew expired status cards
- Replace status cards when someone gets married or changes their name
- Parents are applying for their child’s first status card
Matawa Membership can also report life changes – including births, marriages, divorces and deaths – to the Indian Register.
Are you (or someone you know) having a baby?
It’s important to know that parent’s need to register their new baby with the Government of Ontario in order to obtain a status card and to access other government programs and services including Non-Insured Health Benefits and the Canada Child Benefit. Parents in Ontario can register their baby and complete a Statement of Live Birth online for free within 12 months of birth by visiting this link. Matawa Membership requires a Statement of Live Birth in order to register a child for Indian status.
It is recommended to register a baby as soon as possible, as it can be a lengthy process and any delays in registering may result in additional fees, as well as delays in registering for a status card and accessing government programs and services such as Non-Insured Health Benefits.
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