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MHC COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic

March 3, 2021 - March 4, 2021  >  12:30 pm - 4:00 pm

For:  Matawa members residing in Thunder Bay 16 years and older with PRIORITIZATION FOR APPOINTMENTS FOR THE VULNERABLE POPULATION

** NOTE: Walk-ins are not allowed. Clinic is by appointment only and individuals will be contacted in the coming days to confirm appointment time **

Date: Wednesday March 3 and Thursday, March 4, 2021

Time: 12:30 pm to 5:00 pm

Location: Heritage Building at CLE Grounds / 425 Northern Avenue, Thunder Bay, ON

Registration Process: Matawa members are required to register with the Matawa Health Co-operative Receptionist at: mhc-reception@matawa.on.ca. Provide name, age, First Nation, address, phone number and whether or not transportation will be required.

*** Members are required to bring their Health Card Number to the Clinic upon arrival ***

Additional information:

The vaccine provided will be Pfizer, all members 16 years and older will be eligible if they choose.  The vaccine is given by an injection into the muscle of the arm. For the vaccine to work best, you need to get 2 doses: a single dose and then a second dose 21 days later.

Based on studies the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine was 95% effective in preventing COVID-19 beginning 1 week after the second dose. This means that people may not be fully protected against COVID-19 until at least 7 days after the second dose.

The side effects are what one might have with other vaccines.  Most side effects are mild to moderate, they include pain at the site of injection, body chills, feeling tired and feeling feverish.

The Matawa Health Co-operative is encouraging members to speak with their health care provider about any serious allergies or other health conditions they may have before receiving the vaccine.